Wednesday, April 29, 2020

it's almost been 730 hours

Having a baby isnt as hard as people make it out to be. Coronavirus kinda made it not as fun but here we are. I've had full intentions of posting on this alot more than I have been but I honestly just have been too busy.  Lame excuse I know but rambling to the vast empty void of the internet hasn't been a priority as of late. 

The kid is awesome. She's a total little shit and has so much of Krissy's personality already. Only dropped her once. Babies do bounce can confirm. My favorite part is how protective Ender had been. It's his baby. Not ours. Madi is His charge. Yet he only wants to touch her on his terms. He won't let me set the baby up next to him to take their collective picture. Granted my dog is very eclectic so this isn't something I shouldn't have expected. 

I can't wait for this kid to be like 2 or 3. Honestly the infant stage sucks. Can't do much with the baby other than feed and change. Inb4 you'll miss this stage. 

Till next time 

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